
{Dedicated Dad}

This is what a dedicated dad looks like.  I'm a lucky gal.  And my kiddos are lucky babies.

Penny wasn't very helpful.  She preferred to nap.
Ta da!  Final product.  Way to go, dadio!

{My friend, Mary}

I have a wonderful friend, I lovingly refer to as "German Mary."  (That's 'cause she's from Germany.)  We met while I was living in Washington DC and are an unlikely pair as there is 30+ years between us.  Moreover, we are quite opposite when it comes to all things political.  However, she is such a lovely person and I truly enjoy talking with her.  Mary came to UT, in September, for a visit.  She specifically asked that I show her around Temple Square.  We had a great time wandering around the grounds and eventually found ourselves in Deseret Book.  (She wanted a good "introductory book about Mormons.")  The sweet sales person offered her a Book of Mormon.  She graciously took it, turned to look at me and said, "I'll read this if Mitt Romney wins the Presidency."  Classic Mary.   

{Footsteps for Fertiliy}

My cousins, Serena, Laurel and Holly, put together an incredible 5K, this past September.  It's called Footsteps for Fertility and gives financial help to families seeking fertility treatments.  It all started with Laurel and Holly wanting to help Serena and her husband.  It was amazing to watch the entire event come together.  And being someone who had just gone through IVF, it was wonderful to watch a needy family win a free IVF cycle.  The couple who won the cycle couldn't have been more appreciative and Serena and her husband are about to get their treatment under way.  I am so happy for her and pray all goes well. 
It was a great turnout.  I have a feeling this is going to turn into and annual event.
Grandma even drove up from St. George to support her granddaughters.



I had the unique opportunity of living in Washington DC for 5 years and was in the Bush White House for 3 of those years.  It was a wonderful experience.  I learned so much and made lifelong friendships.  A former colleague called, out of the blue, one afternoon.  He was working on Mitt Romney's Presidential Campaign, specifically the Republican National Convention.  He asked if I would be interested in going to Florida to be on his team for the week of the convention.  Yes!  Of course I would want to go!  However, I responded with, "I would love to come.  However, what do you need me to do?  I'm pregnant and can't work the long hours I used to.  Also, can my husband come along...?"  Long story short, both Christian and I were able to go.  We had THE best time.  I was assigned to work on briefing papers and Christian worked on the advance teams.  What fun! I especially liked seeing old friends and colleagues.  It was my last "political fling" before being promoted to my new job.  Mother.    
Linda Gambatesa.  I admire and respect this woman so much.  I was her executive assistant, in the West Wing, for almost 2 years.  I learned so much from Linda and will always think of her as a wonderful mentor and dear friend. 

Down on the delegate floor, waiting for Mitt to rehearse his speech. 

The final night of the convention.  Mitt had just accepted the nomination from the party and was joined on the stage by his family and Paul Ryan.  It was a great night and lots of fun.

The candidates with their families.  The End.  You ran an excellent campaign Governor Romney.