
{The Tournament of Roses}

The Rose Parade is one of my all time favorite things. My teenage years are jam packed with memories. When I was in high school, my friends and I loved walking up and down Colorado Boulevard, waiting for midnight to roll around. (If you want awesome people watching...this is the place to be!) When the clock finally struck twelve, we would spray silly string and cause all sorts of havoc. After sufficiently ringing in the new year, we would spend the rest of the night deciding who would stick it out and actually "sleep" on the sidewalk to watch the parade, the next morning. I usually hit my breaking point around 5AM and drove home, missing the parade. Regret it. I've learned my lesson.

Nowadays, we avoid the all night escapades. Instead of sleeping on cold concrete, to reserve a place to watch the parade, we simply get up early and drive to the end of the parade route. Voila! Great seats, we're nice and clean and got to sleep in our own beds.

Solo shot of Hubby. This was his first time at the Rose Parade and we needed a photo of this momentous occasion. Mama and our friend Arlene. When these two are together, they crack me up. Mason and Jaye were with us as well...but they were off somewhere, being lovey dovey. No need to document such things. :)

My Favorite Float. Darling.
Rose Bowl. Final Score: Wisconsin 19 TCU 21


{Happy Birthday Renae}

Jennah is one of my very, very, very bestest friends! Kendall, Brennan and I set up a surprise birthday dinner, in California, and I am happy to say she was, indeed, surprised. Yay! This was a very big deal because (1) I usually forget birthdays and (2) I can't hide surprises from Jennah.